Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dell: Direct is not a religious revolution

In 2007, Dell often the headlines, but not all news is good news.

January, Dell replaced Kevin Rollins, founder of Maikedaier again become Dell CEO, Dell is going through major changes this year been a roller coaster. In addition, founder of the reunification, the Dell Chief Financial Officer Jim Schneider have been replaced, the company's consumer and service sector there were many new faces.

Dell has lost its title of world's largest PC manufacturers in 2007, Dell continued to lose market share to rival Hewlett-Packard; Maikedaier told the staff, direct sales model "used to be a revolution, but not religious."

Subsequently, Dell announced a number of desktop and notebook PCs through Wal-Mart and Sam's Club stores. Full year 2007, Dell continued in the United States and the rest of the world of consumer retail partners to promote the new program, Dell and Staples, Bic Camera in Japan and the United States and China signed a cooperation agreement country. Dell said next year will continue to cooperate in the global expansion of this channel.

At the same time, Dell continues to fight the problem with the supply chain, an accounting problem for Dell has concluded the investigation. The auditors found that Dell financial sector from 2003 to 2006 in order to please Wall Street during the fabrication of a regular quarterly earnings reports this discovery to force Dell to restate three years of earnings reports. Currently, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's investigation is continuing.

Two highlights: Dell successfully sold more servers, Dell stressed the strategic design of a warm welcome by the consumers.

Computer direct selling of another company this year, there are many messages. This is China Taiwan's Acer, Gateway was acquired. For Gateway such a situation in the 1990s, the PC makers scold surprised, this is an anticlimactic ending, but the purchase of the Acer is a good news, because Acer is competing with Lenovo.

Acer and Lenovo have been competing this year, over Packard Bell, Acer hopefully it into the bag. With the two companies to join and its own growth, Acer has become the fastest growing PC company last year.

Acer is a major factor in the success of its notebook computer business success. As of the end, Acer has surpassed Dell as the world runner-up notebook computer market, behind Hewlett-Packard. At present, the notebook computer has become the main choice of new phone users this year, notebook computer desktop to be quickly replaced. (Although the popularity of personal desktop computers in the lower, Dell and Gateway have decided to follow the launch of Apple's lead-in-one desktop, Dell has launched XPS, Gateway has released a One.)

On the other hand, although the vast majority of mobile PC users to consider the key, but only a few users have chosen ultra-mobile PC (UMPC), despite the PC industry in efforts to promote such a computer.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

"National Teacher Quality and ability of the international training" ended in Beijing

With professional learning communities ThinkQuest platform to help teachers to train children to live and work in the 21st century, the key skills needed

Beijing, November 17, 2008 -

Recently, the China Children and Teenagers Fund (the "Foundation of Chinese children"), well-being (public) network together Oracle Education Foundation's "National Teacher Quality and ability of the international training course" in Beijing, China Women's University come to an end, to 65 schools from all over the country, 66 teachers attended the training.

In this training, all teachers were divided into 10 projects, each group in ThinkQuest learning platform project successfully established, through ThinkQuest create the pieces of outstanding works of art and handmade, all to achieve this training requirements. These teachers will undertake training Relay role, will impart their knowledge to more teachers and students to help teachers required in the information age and the key skills of team spirit.

Teachers with outstanding achievements to the training requirements, obtain a certificate of training

ThinkQuest was introduced by the Oracle Education Foundation, a free online collaboration for primary and secondary schools learning platform, through a protected online environment, teachers and students around the world in this collaboration platform education projects and sharing educational content. Globally, 60 countries are already more than 397,000 students to benefit from Oracle Education Foundation, the project provided.

Oracle Education Foundation has been working with Chinese children to maintain close cooperation with the IMF. 2007骞?鏈堬紝鐢查鏂囨暀鑲插熀閲戜細涓庝腑鍥藉効鍩轰細銆佸畨搴?鍏泭)缃戠粶涓庡寳浜笘绾礉璐濆辜鍎垮洯绛夊辜鍎垮洯鍙婇儴鍒嗗皬瀛﹀笀鐢熷叡鍚屼妇鍔炰簡鈥滃浗闄呭崗浣溿?浜掑姪鍏辫耽鈥斺?鍎跨鑳藉姏鎻愬崌鏁欒偛璇曠偣璁″垝鈥?鐜板満浼氥?璇ラ」鐩槸涓烘彁鍗囦腑鍥藉辜鍎跨患鍚堣兘鍔涜?杩涜鐨勫叕鐩婃?鏁欒偛鏂瑰紡璇曠偣鎬ф椿鍔ㄣ? 2008骞?鏈堬紝鐢查鏂囨暀鑲插熀閲戜細涓庡効鍩轰細绛剧讲浜嗕负鏈熶袱骞寸殑鍚堜綔澶囧繕褰曪紝璁″垝閫氳繃涓庡効鍩轰細鐨勫悎浣滐紝鍚戝叏鍥藉悇鍦板効鍩轰細鎵?敮鎸佺殑椤圭洰瀛︽牎鍜屽鍓嶆暀鑲叉満鏋勫厤璐规彁渚汿hinkQuest瀛︿範骞冲彴鍜孴hinkQuest鍥介檯绔炶禌锛屼互鍙婄浉鍏崇殑杞欢鍜岀▼搴忔敮鎸併?



銆??涓浗鍎跨鍩洪噾浼氱涔﹂暱瀹嬬珛鑻辫〃绀猴細鈥滀笌鐢查鏂囨暀鑲插熀閲戜細鐨勫悎浣滐紝鏃ㄥ湪涓烘暀甯堛?瀛︾敓鎻愪緵21涓栫邯蹇呭鐨勫涔犳妧鑳斤紝鍩瑰吇瀛︾敓鍦ㄤ俊鎭椂浠f墍闇?殑鍗忎綔绮剧鍜屼笓涓氳兘鍔涖?鍙屾柟灏嗛?杩囧箍娉涙繁鍏ョ殑鍚堜綔鍏卞悓鎺ㄥ姩涓浗灏戝勾鍎跨鏁欒偛浜嬩笟鐨勫仴搴峰揩閫熷彂灞曘?鈥?br />
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